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Brook Room Service

"Sometimes, you do not need a fancy set or expensive location. With a stunningly gorgeous girl like Brook, the sort of girl who lives in your town, down your street, round the corner, works with your sister, serves behind the bar in your local pub, just an ordinary girl from the neighbourhood who happens to be really hot and everyone has a massive crush on, you just can't help but look at her and be inspired by her beauty! Sometimes you do not need to dress models up in fancy outfits or fill your scene with props, accessories, destractions, gimmicks. The models I shoot and the message in my pictures convey something more matter of fact and simple. Something we can all connect to. It is not supposed to be artificially sophisticated - it's just an ordinary girl showing off her body. Is that not surely the sexiest thing? Here Brook is shot in a very basic hotel room in some smart underwear. It is not overposed or cleverly staged. It is just a beautiful young woman getting undressed. "

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