Box pricing and BentBox commission


The standard BentBox commission for Boxes is 35% of the final Box price.

In order to run and maintain the infrastructure of servers underlying BentBox service, we apply a minimum commission value based on the size of the Box in MB.

Boxes that contain more than 100MB of content have a minimum commission fee of $5 USD.

Boxes that contain less than 100MB of content have a minimum commission fee of $3 USD.

This figure is based on the infrastructure cost to make the content available for an indefinite period of time.

Example: if a Box owner sets his/her price at $10, the final Box price will be $15.38, our commission is $5.38 which is 35% of the final price. The Box owner receives $10 every time the Box is sold.

The price in the example is indicative. It is up to the users to decide the sale price of their Boxes.

The final price will also have Credit Card fees applied.


The standard BentBox commission for Videos is 35% of the sale price. There is no minimum commission for Videos.

Private Communities

The standard BentBox commission for Private Communities is 20% of the montlhy subscription.


The standard BentBox commission for Tips is 20% of the tip.

If you need assistance please feel free to get in touch by sending us an email at