Raven: Asian Homeless Gypsy - Full Nude

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I met 22 year old Raven when I was in Toledo, Ohio eating at a local restaurant in the city. I was seated by the window and it faced the street and it was hot outside. As I ate my muffin, I noticed what appeared to be an Asian homeless female asking for money by the entrance to the building. When the waitress came over, I asked her about her and she confirmed she was homeless and slept in the alley across the street. I asked if the restaurant helped at times and she said the owner was a prick and wouldn’t help her. Well, I was intrigued and went outside to chat with her. I ordered a half dozen hot muffins and a cold drink and proceeded to go outside and engage the woman. She was very soft spoken and accepted the food and drink with a gentle smile. Well, as I talked to her, I noticed she seemed to be educated and have a pretty stunning body though it was hard to tell through the tattered clothing she was wearing. Although I knew it was a risk to my safety, I decided to ask if she wanted to model for me? She looked at me and responded that she ‘didn’t do that sort of thing, sorry.’ I suspected by her reaction that she thought I was propositioning her for sex and I clarified that I was a pro photographer and that I thought she would look amazing in some sexy outfits. She then said, ‘Oh, haha, sorry Jake I thought you wanted me to fuck you for money.’ She was pretty outspoken that way and I shook my head and said ‘no, that is not what I was asking haha.’ As we stood there in the sweltering heat, it dawned on me that we could be chatting in air conditioning and not boiling our asses off. So I pointed to my hotel down the street and said we could go to my hotel and talk in the lobby, at least it would be cool. She said, ‘ok, but be warned the people at the desk have kicked me out on some nights when I was trying to get out of the rain.’ I looked at her, put my hand on her shoulder and said, ‘you won’t have any problems, I will see to it - promise.’ As she took a sip of her drink, she swallowed a sip and nodded, ‘ok, I think I can trust you.’ With that we proceed to walk to the hotel lobby. When we walked in, boy did I get a lot of nasty looks from both the staff and guests. I tried to ignore them and found a couple of seats in the lobby area. As her arms waved past me in taking off her scarf [yes, a scarf in 95 degree weather!!] I got a nice smell of patchouli musk and to my surprise I didn’t smell any body odor. As I watched her sit down and get settled, I realized she had a septum ring [aka bull ring] in her nose and a long dreadlocked strand of hair too with Princess Leah buns in her long dark brown hair. As we talked, I learned that this beauty regularly went to the YMCA and a manager there let her take regular showers and brush her teeth. So I told her that I had some lingerie up in the room from a previous shoot and she could wear some of that. She asked if this was a job and I said, ‘if you are asking if you get paid for your time, the answer is yes absolutely and in cash. Hopefully you will have some fun for a few hours too and won’t see it as a ‘job.’ She then said ‘I don’t have any makeup or anything, I’ll look terrible Jake’.’ I grinned and said I carried a supply of some of the basics for emergencies and if she was ok putting it on, she could use some.’ She seemed relieved and nodded ok, and then boldly asked if we could go up at that moment and do the shoot? Naturally I was fine with that but I needed to confirm she had some form of legal ID. When I asked, I held my breath because a lot of times the homeless don’t have IDs and such. She responded, ‘Why do you need that?’ and I explained. She said, ‘well, you are in luck because I do have a state ID I got a few years ago, in case I die, I don’t want to be known as ‘Jane Doe.’ Before we shot, I asked her about her comfort levels and although she clearly told me she wouldn’t fuck me for money, she didn’t have any problem posing full nude as long as it paid the highest of the different genres. As we shot, I learned that she was Chinese and her roots were from Mongolia. She ended up on the streets because of some hard luck and a bad break up with some dude. I didn’t pry because I wanted to keep the shooting vibe lite and fun. My suite had a billiards table in it and I made that the focal point. I first put her in the sexy black lingerie, which when she came out of the bathroom wearing it, I was mesmerized by her very sexy body and breasts. She had some interesting tattoos too that made up a good portion of her right arm and side of her body. However, I did notice she had dirt under her nails, hair stubble under her arms and what appeared to be a lot of small burn scars. Again, I didn’t pry but obviously living on the street many years affected her on so many levels. When I had her drop the top of the lingerie piece I was presented with some very sexy and firm 34B breasts. I had almost forgotten I was working with someone that lived on the street. Next she put on a red piece lingerie and posed on top of and around the pool table. Then we moved to a pink chain top with no panties. She seemed acrobatic because she got in some very contorted poses to a point where I shot her from behind and captured her pussy lips. I did also notice that it looked like she trimmed her pussy hairs with a scissor which sort of baffled me because why wouldn’t she use the razor blade used for her under arms to neatly trim her pussy? Oh well, I was just grateful to see her pussy exposed. The last set was her full nude, standing on the balcony using glycerin which she poured all over her face and body. It looks like cum without the milky opaqueness haha. She had a lot of fun with this portion of the shoot and went wild with that silky liquid. Although Raven appeared rough around the edges when I first met her, when she put on lingerie and posed full nude, a raw, wild savage look came out. Hope you enjoy! Jake

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