Erin: Eurasian Nursery Teacher Nude

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I met Erin, this super sexy 31 year old Filipina-Dutch nursery school teacher a few days ago, when I was visiting a buddy of mine in Chicago. He and I were walking to breakfast and as we walked, we passed this nursery school on the corner of a building. There were these massive floor-to-ceiling windows where different classes were in session. As we passed I noticed this beautiful, modestly dressed teacher with a group of students. I told my buddy to hold on, as I ran into the school and gave the receptionist my business card and asked her to give it to the teacher. A little trick I employ is to put it into an envelope and seal it. You would be surprised at how many uptight and insecure people out there will not deliver your card, when they see what you do. Well, we continued for the the day and as I normally do, I didn’t set any expectations with getting a call back. A day passes, then a week, the a month and I eventually forgot about her. However 4 months later, she emailed me saying that she had put my card aside meaning to contact me, but lost it and then the other day she found it again when cleaning. I was super excited because it was not someone I was expecting to shoot with at all. I explained to her what I had in mind and that I thought she would look great in front of my camera - I also explained that I lived in a different state, but that I would be happy to fly her to me. She wrote back that her boyfriend wasn’t too jazzed about her posing for me and so she had to lie to him and say she wouldn’t do it. However, secretly we made plans for her to fly out and shoot with me, under the guise of her visiting a ‘college friend.’ We met at the hotel and she had a very moody vibe, which I asked her about because I knew it might show on film. She explained that she had just broken up with her boyfriend that morning because he had found our email and forbade her to shoot. She was not happy. I asked if she still wanted to proceed and her response was ‘Yes Jake, just please make sure these images don’t end up in the hands of my nursery school [grinning].’ I responded that I would do my best but made no promises. As she laid out her outfits we discussed how much skin she wanted to show. She just looked at me and said ‘at this point, fuck it, we’ll play it by ear, ok?’ I grinned and nodded and said ‘absolutely.’ We started with a white long evening gown, which to my delight she wore without any underwear. At some point, as I paused thinking about the next shot, she pulled down the top of her dress to reveal her beautiful, meaty 32D breasts with deliciously large areoles! Saying as she positioned herself by the window ‘hope this is ok?’ I just replied ‘always Erin!’ After this, she went and put on a sexy red lace one-piece lingerie. We bounced around the room shooting in different spots, including the window sill. I got a little artistic too with the lighting and captured her in both shadow and form. I actually think she smiled in this set too. Haha. The next outfit was this completely red sheer robe, which she wore nothing on under it. As I looked upon her fully nude body all I could think about were those little tikes running around her giggling. She was definitely being very naughty and scandalous for sure. I am sure the parents of them would not be happy if these images ever got out! The last and final outfit was a black and red lace lingerie piece. She went over to the couch and we tried different poses with her reaching down between her legs and unsnapping the crotch of the lingerie. She then turned over to reveal that thick bum of hers. Well, sorry mr. ex-boyfriend, your loss and our gain. Enjoy this Hi-Res box!

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Erin: Eurasian Nursery Teacher Nude  by thekitchensink

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