Dasie: REAL Firefighter Nude

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I met 25 year old Dasie, a sexy Latina, at my cousin’s local firehouse. He and I were walking by the garage where they keep the fire trucks and the doors were up, because at the time it was almost 90 degrees and very hot and humid. As we were walking, I noticed this very beautiful firefighter who was busy washing one of the trucks with some of her peers. My cousin knew that I was already getting my pitch ready as we stopped for a moment. We sat on a short wall next to the station and just chatted, as I waited for the right opportunity to go and approach Dasie about modeling for me. After about 15 minutes, the firehouse alarm went off and all of the firefighters, except two, stopped washing the truck and left for the fire call. To my delight, Dasie was one of them still remaining! I waited until the other dude went into the garage before I approached her. I told my cousin to hang back too as I casually approached her as she was leaning down into the bucket to put more soap on the sponge. I said ‘Hi’ and as she stood up to respond, I could see that her shirt was dripping wet and clung to her magnificent natural breasts. She said ‘hello’ and asked me if I needed any help. I nodded no and formally introduced myself …mentioning that I was a pro photographer, visiting my cousin. She leaned over and waived at him and then turned to me and said ‘so what’s up?’ [Grinning] I asked her if she had ever done any modeling because she caught my eye and I felt she would be amazing posing for me. She replied that she was in school for acting, on top of working part-time as a junior firefighter, but she had never modeled before. Smiling, I said, well today is your lucky day! She smirked and said, ‘ha ha … um, do you have any of your work I can look at?’ I pulled out my tablet and pulled up my portfolio to show her some of my work, saying, ‘sure, take a look.’ As she went through the images, she commented that they looked amazing but also asked ‘um, would I have to pose in lingerie or nude?’ I said it wasn’t a requirement and that it was based on the model’s comfort. She said she wanted to only model in regular clothes or dresses and if that was ok with me? Of course, said ‘no problem.’ :) We setup a time for us to shoot a few days later, at a local hotel and I was honestly excited to shoot with her, because she had a very voluptuous figure. Prior to my leaving, she also asked that I keep the shoot private because she didn’t want her fellow firefighters to know about it. I thought that was a little strange because she wasn’t posing in anything that would be considered scandalous. Later, I found out why she made that request and also why she loudly proclaimed she only wanted to model in ‘regular clothes and dresses.’ When she arrived, she met with my make up artist and while she was being worked on, she pointed me to the wardrobe she had brought. To my utter surprise and delight, she only brought sexy lingerie pieces. So I sauntered over to her and asked her if she had changed her mind? She replied, ‘Well, my team at the firehouse have big ears and I wanted to make sure they didn’t know that, in fact, I wanted to try lingerie modeling - hope that is ok with you?’ I told her absolutely no problem and we began to shoot, after the makeup artist had departed. She started first in this beautiful purple bra and panty set, standing by the window. The natural light hitting her was amazing. Next she put on a sheer tan bodysuit and I could see her perky nipples through the see-through material; her breasts we fantastic and really natural. After that goodness, she came out wearing a matching corset lingerie piece and we moved around the hotel suite shooting in a number of places. When we got to the bed, I could see she was getting a little excited and at some point, between shots, she just pulled down her bra to reveal her mouth-watering 34C breasts. One nipple was pierced and the other was not, which I thought was interesting. I stopped for a moment and asked if this was ok, and she just grinned and said ‘oh, definitely … I am feeling the fire … it’s ok if I do some nude work too right? I have secretly always wanted to try it.’ I just grinned and gave a thumbs up gesture and we continued. We kept shooting and I noticed that as she took more off and revealed more of her body, she was getting a little aroused. When we finally got to the red leather couch, she was completely nude. She moved her hands around and caressed her body as I shot, giving me some great seductive looks. I noticed the light outside on the balcony was looking real nice, so I suggested we go out there and shoot. She just nodded and said no problem. I did give her some encouragement at that point and told her she was a natural at modeling. She grinned and we continued shooting outside. Now, without any direction from me, she spread her legs and showed me her pussy - I knew she was completely engrossed in the shoot now. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to keep the sensual and sexy vibe going. The next pose she got on her knees and straddled the lounge chair, showing me her pussy lips, clit and everything from behind. I will admit, that at that point, I fantasized about going up from behind her and fucking her delicious ass and pussy. I behaved however and kept things professional. haha. Lots of HI-RES photos in this box. Enjoy!

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Dasie: REAL Firefighter Nude by thekitchensink

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